so there's so just so much to tell about out life b/c it's been so busy!!! this is rachel narrating by the way. to proceed onward and get back to the point, life has been busy - an understatement. i've been building my practice at the chiropractic office that i got a job @, and it has not been easy. this being my first time having to pay someone for appointment scheduling, room space, and furnishings it's a slow start working out all the kinks. but i love the work and love seeing the great things that God can do!the beginning of this announcement begins back in Oct when we decided if God wants to bless us w/children then we'd take care of them and love them so much! this month i had the feeling that we were pregnant - but not any of those nasty symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, nothing - so decided to get pregnancy tests and see if science could help unlock this mystery. 2 pregnancy tests later it was still iffy, we bought a different brand that wasn't so ambiguous and it was positive - we were pregnant. yet matt still didnt believe b/c he didnt wanna be let down so i took a 4th and told him i wasnt taking another b/c 4 for 4 were pretty much positive. if he didnt believe 4 pregnancy tests he never would until i started showing; he began to really believe.
next thing we know the huss fam knows and we tell the cox fam and everyone in church knows when we get there today. it's an exciting event and there's just nothing else that's been even close to our wedding excitment as this, nothing. in light of my love for anatomy and physiology i got a practioners guide to pre and perinatal massage, the girlfriends guide to pregnancy - the comical and insightful book that tells you what your doctor won't, and the belly book to scrapbook this great event!
i'll post more as things continue, but for now i just keep eating little meals all the time and i go to bed a little sooner than normal b/c i'm tired, but that's all. i'm doin' great! hope you all are doin' great as well and we love ya so much!