The Huss Family

31 July 2008

strepB pos+ ...

so the apt w/our CNM [certified nurse midwife] went really well except for finding out the whole thing about being strepB positive. this translates to having to go to the hospital a little earlier than usual so i can be pumped full of 2 doses of 4 hour antibiotics and staying in the hospital for 48 not 24 hours. it sux but it'll be best for little will.

on the brighter side, will is about 6 1/2 lbs and around 18" long, so he might be around 8-8 1/2 when he's born. he's on schedule for arrival around the 23rd, so we'll see what happens.

to help cheer me up last night matt took me on a date to a couple book stores. we love book stores and clearance priced books ... yeah!!! on the way to one of the stores we stopped by the aquatice center and i dipped my swollen little feet into the refreshing fountain -play yard ... a place little will and i will frequent. after the book stores we drove across town to The Homemade Ice Creame and Pie Kitchen.
what a delightful experience! i only wish i had shared w/matt b/c everything was so rich creamy and decadent! i had butter pecan and a slice of chocolate maringue pie while matt tried the raspberry fudge and a yellow cupcake w/chocolate frosting! wowsers!!! do they know how to bake! it was so rich that matt got kinda sick last night since we're not really used to sugar and ice creame any more. but it was a great time and i love going on dates w/matt!

29 July 2008


last night my feet felt like itchy huge balloons! the solution: soak them in COLD water in the tub. and what better to do than read while i'm sitting on the edge of the tub. after a little while matt came and found me b/c i was quieter than a little mouse. so i cohersed him into joining me and there we sat - two married ppl reading their books soaking their feet in the tub! he wouldnt let me take a pic, so i had to find something closely related!!! it was just the funniest thing ever!

24 July 2008

belly update ... one month left

ONE MONTH LEFT! this is how incredibly big i look, but i feel 20x bigger! my abdomen is rock hard and i just don't know where he's going to grow. i went to the midwife yesterday and did that stupid strepB test, so we'll wait to see what the results are for next week's appointment. i'm going to see the midwife every week now that i'm 36 weeks along.

i have braxton-hicks contractions more and more often, but i think this little guy is gonna be either close to due date or later. i could be wrong, but we'll see. the b-h contractions are kinda like PMS cramps, so it's not something scarey but familiar. funny how mother nature gets you ready for something so many years in advance! we'll just have to wait and see how natural birth goes and i'll tell you if it's anything like PMSing or not.

matt met our midwife yesterday at the appointment and really liked her. i'm glad he likes her positive and spunky personality and doesn't mistake it for a hippie-tree-hugging persona.

23 July 2008


i've come to the conclusion that there's nothing worse than being 8 1/2 months prego and getting sick! i had little energy before b/c little guy zapped it but now there's nothing left and i'm left tired but sleep isn't enough! i've gotta get better quick so i can get back to living!

22 July 2008

splish splash!!!

there's just something to all this heat that makes me hate it even more now that i'm 8 1/2 months pregnant. i used to enjoy walking, but now that's a bit of a struggle since my range of motion is limited and this huge belly of mine is in the way. yoga is great, but i need to get outta the apartment! so i've picked up SWIMMING. that cool water is just the best b/c it's like taking a physical break from being prego w/all the stress off my back and bouyancy change. but the best thing is that my cankles disappear when i swim! all that swelling goes down and i can see my ankles again! yeah!!!

but the best part is that i go to the pool w/my friend lacy lilly who has grandkids my age! he needs a swimming buddy for pool rules since there's no life guard on duty and i need a convient free pool to swim in. so we swim laps for 1/2 hour and then i float around a bit enjoying the cool weightless environment and we call it a day. then we do it again the next day. it's fun talking to lacy b/c he's got a million stories to tell and a couple of pranks too!
ps. this isn't me swimming, i just got a pic from online to make things more interesting :)

19 July 2008

OPENING DAY last night we went to the 9:30 showing of the Dark Knight w/christian bale and heath ledger. we were so excited and pumped about this movie that we had a little pre-show party. we had a trivia game of questions from batman begins, candy, cupcakes decorated for the occassion (y so srs, joker, etc.). we divied up tickets and planned where everybody was gonna sit. it was intense. we arrived early and saw the previews and had our snacks.

THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!!! the performances in this cineamtice adventure were unhinged! the crime drama, menace, and art of this movie put it up there w/the GodFather movies!!! there weren't any lines that weren't good! no sceens that didn't keep the story moving forward! and any characters that weren't presented that didn't fit into the story. it was all amazing!!! 10/10 rating from me!

it's not for kids under 13, but the language is clean and there are no sceens that could have been omitted. IT WAS JUST AN AMAZING MOVIE!!! i will see it again soon ... and i'm the type that usually waits til it's on video to see it again. and just think, next week The X-files movie comes out ... wow! that's gonna be a great adventure as well!

15 July 2008

a little dilemma here

i'm contemplating a hard decision to make and need everybody's help. here it is: should i keep my facebook account or blogger? the deal is that i dont wanna do updates TWICE, i'd rather just do it once. so one is probably unnecessary and therefore needs to be eliminated. i'll continue to contemplate as you help me by answering the poll. thanks!!!