last night we went to the 9:30 showing of the Dark Knight w/christian bale and heath ledger. we were so excited and pumped about this movie that we had a little pre-show party. we had a trivia game of questions from batman begins, candy, cupcakes decorated for the occassion (y so srs, joker, etc.). we divied up tickets and planned where everybody was gonna sit. it was intense. we arrived early and saw the previews and had our snacks.
THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!!! the performances in this cineamtice adventure were unhinged! the crime drama, menace, and art of this movie put it up there w/the GodFather movies!!! there weren't any lines that weren't good! no sceens that didn't keep the story moving forward! and any characters that weren't presented that didn't fit into the story. it was all amazing!!! 10/10 rating from me!
it's not for kids under 13, but the language is clean and there are no sceens that could have been omitted. IT WAS JUST AN AMAZING MOVIE!!! i will see it again soon ... and i'm the type that usually waits til it's on video to see it again. and just think, next week The X-files movie comes out ... wow! that's gonna be a great adventure as well!
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