nothing compares to working in the temple, going to the temple, or just driving by the the temple. since matt is no longer interested in blogging, this is my blogg now. bu-ah ha ha ha!!! jk.
any way, i went to the temple saturday and helped with the tons of laundry that needs to be done for initiatories and baptisms in behalf of those who have passed on. it was great, plus it was easy. what a neat thing to have a small house of God just around the corner where there's need enough that i can help and participate in many different capacities.
think of it this way: if this was a LARGE temple, cleaning crews are brought in, laundry is done by workers, and the landscaping is hired out. but in a small temple, sign up sheets are circulated for volunteers to help clean, do laundry, and help with other minor tasks needing attention. small temples are where it's at. personal. homey. inviting. not intimidating.