thur 18 mar i went in for a check up and told my midwife that i had been having real contractions that morning but they were very mild and inconsistent. she suggested that i check-in at the hospital soon b/c it was probably gonna go very quickly. i called matt, told him i was getting a bite to eat from dairy queen and that we should meet before we checked in. so we did.
1130 check-in & walk the halls
1230 have to stop and focus on relaxing during contractions
1330 standing thru every contraction as they come 2 or 3 at a time, one on top of the other
1400 talking to myself and jacob to help with each contraction ... hilarious as heck! but it worked this time around better than just using a deep chanting oohhmm. had a million people in the room observing or helping - nursing interns, OBT, the RN, midwife, doula, and anybody else who wanted to see a natural birth. poor matt wasn't allowed to leave my side and had a great arm workout rubbing my low back & sacrum ... my hero!!!
(extra TMI for some - i yelled "don't touch me" to the RN and everybody moved away so i had to tell the midwife "you can touch me" ... funny stuff. and when i said "he's coming! he's coming!" the midwife told the RNs in a teaching type moment "when she says 'he's coming' the baby's coming. but if she says 'i need to push' that could mean a lot of different things." funny stuff!)
1440 almost felt like his head and then his brawny shoulders got stuck, but i kept pushing and finally jacob was born!
he's healthy, no problems at all. 8 lb 7 oz and 22in long. shy about eating and pooping in public/at the hospital but has no problems doin' his business at home! all day long.