to more fully prepare ourselves for our baby arriving in Aug we adopted my little green frog i got on my mission as our "baby." i love it and take care of it, and am a good "mommy."

but matt doesnt like our little "baby!" he plays too roung and hurts him with an anaconda eh-squeeze to the eye and a pile driver to the face.

not to mention the karate chop to the throat just before bed time. i try to protect him and keep him safe from the evil matthew, but i am no match for "philippino libre!"
this has all been for fun and games. more updates will come later to the story.
Don't forget to add having to pee all the time 24/7 to your list of pregnancy faves:) That's my favorite, by far, hahaha.
Rachel!! Congratulations! I am so super excited about your pregnancy. Boy are you in for the ride of your life, but it is the most rewarding experience by far. Please do keep in touch!
love you tons,
Check out shane and ashley's blog. She's due in aug. too:)
WHAT!!? Youre going to have a BABY!! How exciting!! Brad's mom got the thank you card in the mail from you the other day and couldnt figure out who the heck was Rachel Huss until i said... "DUH its Sister Cox!!" then we all laughed and remembered the good times... We miss you. I miss you. Congrats!! Keep us updated on that growing belly.
Jackie and Brad Larson!
can we please get some more posts and pics????
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