dec is the month for RECEPTIONS!!! i had my visiting teachers help me bring down and put up most of the decorations on mon morning and by sat night the 6th the house was ready for a reception!!! the tree was up, the lights were shining bright, and i was in the Xmas mood w/carols and singing!

karen and dad drove from UT to KY w/karen's daughter and 2 sons - amanda, peter, and owen. they came and visited the louisville slugger bat museum and got their mini bats from the tour. peter and owen were so happy to have mini bats and play out on the farm in the little kid's jeep. it was a joy to have them visit. monday they headed out to visit some relatives in OH and the house was a little quieter. i missed having those little boys in the house and other ppl to talk with.

then XMAS came!!! i worked hard to make steph a pair of animal print pajama pants for Xmas eve. mom always got us pajamas and let us open them on Xmas eve, so i decided to carry on the tradition for steph!!! for V i made her a moby baby wrap carrier for her little baby that's gonna be born this summer!!! i'm so excited! for dad i am clearing out the old Ensigns and making room for all of his DVDs that are over running the shelves. that's right, i'm gonna do some cleaning and organizing. and for karen steph and i bought her a simple broach, perfect since she doesn't wear much jewelry.
and for new year's we had a blast!!! dad, karen, bill, susan, all the huss kids, and our little fam got together at the huss' house for games, bubblie, treats and movies! kung fu panda was a hit!!! i love it and just can't laugh enough it's so FUNNY!!! karen showed susan and i how to make a vegan "brownie" with walnuts, medjool dates, and cocoa powder . . . AWESOME!!! no baking necessary, healthy, and gets you that sweet fix. will had fun and woke up for a few seconds at the new year while we were making lots of noise and shouting. then he went right back to sleeping, no problem.
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