can we say "off the charts" and really mean it, literally?!? jake went in for his one month check up and i was blown away!!! here are his stats:
12 lb 9oz
24" long
35cm head circumference
almost outgrown 3-6 month clothes
he gained 4lbs in ONE month!!! and grew 2 inches!!! what kinda kid does that?!? william wasn't that big or grew that fast ... wow. then again, this little boy sure does know how to eat. it seems like i feed him every hour in the mornings and evenings with longer stints b/w feedings in the afternoon when he's napping. but what a cute little boy he is!!! i like 'em round and fat! my little butterball ... i could just eat him up when he talks, makes those baby coo's, smiles, and makes funny faces when his brother plays and kisses him. ahhhh, these days are passing by to quickly.