Many from our fam were able to attend the blessing of will. matt, bill, steve, mike, and nate stood in the circle to name and bless him, and it was so touching. the huss fam was present, and veronica's fam and steph were there in spirit since they were so far away. wish they could have been here, but it's understandable and that's life.
matt was so nervous but did great! it was beautiful, short and powerful. the Lord has made such a wonderful plan to allow us the opportunity to grow and develop. we as parents of this beautiful little boy have great responsibilities to teach and help him learn the commandments of God. to help him realize his potential as a son of God. to show him the way of truth and happiness that leads to eternal life with our Father in Heaven and our families.
1 comment:
He is such a cutie! I am glad he is feeling better now. I understand the feeling during the blessing. It was such a powerful and wonderful experience when Shane blessed Travis.
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