The Huss Family

05 October 2008

i've been tagged!

this little guy looks clean all the time. but the smell is a different thing ... spit up.

i love to have my hair fixed even if i'm not going out b/c it takes 2-3 min and a scalp massage feels great in the morning!
the bed is never made fully b/c will and i take a nap in the middle of the day.

the closet isn't too bad in my standards.

the fridge is a work in progress since there's tons of condiments and whatnot. but we love our food and always have a lot of it!!!

the bathroom is in good condition.

now i tag ciara, jenny, janina, and jackie!!! it's your turn now and don't cheat ... no extra cleaning ... just as is.

1 comment:

Janina Herbert said...

(dangit! I KNEW I should've made the bed!! hehe) YOU'RE ON!

love you! muahWHACK!

(PS - the pictures of little william are ADORABLE!! and congratulations on his blessing! YAY! less than 6 weeks to go for me! :D)