so the apt w/our CNM [certified nurse midwife] went really well except for finding out the whole thing about being strepB positive. this translates to having to go to the hospital a little earlier than usual so i can be pumped full of 2 doses of 4 hour antibiotics and staying in the hospital for 48 not 24 hours. it sux but it'll be best for little will.
on the brighter side, will is about 6 1/2 lbs and around 18" long, so he might be around 8-8 1/2 when he's born. he's on schedule for arrival around the 23rd, so we'll see what happens.
to help cheer me up last night matt took me on a date to a couple book stores. we love book stores and clearance priced books ... yeah!!! on the way to one of the stores we stopped by the aquatice center and i dipped my swollen little feet into the refreshing fountain -play yard ... a place little will and i will frequent. after the book stores we drove across town to The Homemade Ice Creame and Pie Kitchen. 

what a delightful experience! i only wish i had shared w/matt b/c everything was so rich creamy and decadent! i had butter pecan and a slice of chocolate maringue pie while matt tried the raspberry fudge and a yellow cupcake w/chocolate frosting! wowsers!!! do they know how to bake! it was so rich that matt got kinda sick last night since we're not really used to sugar and ice creame any more. but it was a great time and i love going on dates w/matt!